IOM 2023
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All
IOM Winter Series No 3. 19th December 2023

Another wet journey to the lake this week for all the helms that attended. Despite the inclement conditions that were expected. A good turnout of ten participants demonstrated the enthusiasm of our dedicated members. A delayed start to allow the precipitation to cease, ensured everyone stayed dry for the duration of the racing.
The northwest windspeed was low at first but filled in later allowing all races to be of two laps. Despite our fears the weather was not the problem today, it was the reappearance of floating weed. This had an annoying and frustrating effect on many of the race scores as the day progressed.
Again, this week many of the races were tightly fought, with the bulk of the fleet staying in close proximity around the laps. Much nicer to see this, than the entire fleet strung out around the whole course.
Some seasonal fare of sausage rolls and mince pies supplemented lunch for our last meeting before Christmas and New Year. We reconvene in 2024 on the 2nd January.

Next Officer Of the Day: 2nd January is David L .
IOM Winter Series No 2. 12th December 2023

Lucky again today with the weather, despite the forecast. We were treated to a rain free sunny session at the lake. Some light rain started to fall as we were loading the cars to leave. Fortunate or what!??
An ‘A’ suit north westerly of 6 – 12 mph saw the course set across the end of the point. The first few races were of one lap, the wind then filled in, and the remainder were of two laps. Occasionally the lead boat got away, but generally the majority of races were very close. With many position changes taking place around the course, it was quite exciting at times. Inevitably with such tight racing it gave rise to a couple of ‘rules’ discussions.
A couple of which were not satisfactorily resolved and have to be confirmed. “Room to finish” being one of them, Garry’s quick response to this one was hilarious. OOD Tim kept good control of proceedings which ensured everyone had a relaxed and enjoyable day. We will be racing again next Tuesday 19th. The following Tuesday will be Boxing Day, so no racing that day.
Therefore, starting in the new year, our first IOM racing day will be the continuation of the Handicap series on January 2nd 2024.
Next Week’s Officer Of the Day is Roger.

IOM Winter Series No 1. 28th November 2023

It was a relief that the day was not quite so cold as anticipated, due to the light wind and full sunshine. Starting with a Northerly OOD David W assisted by Paul set the course across the end of the point. This served us well until just before lunchtime when the wind dropped as the direction transitioned to WNW.
During this period lunch was taken, and as expected the wind filled in and settled from more westerly direction. Roger and Cliff moved the course accordingly, and racing continued in ideal ‘A’ rig conditions. As they say about football, today seemed to be a game of two halves. Those who appeared to have a good morning were relegated down the fleet for the afternoon. Their places were then taken over at the front by the helms who’d experienced frustrating morning session!
All good fun – and what keeps us coming back for more!? It was nice to have Tony Judd sharing the lake with us again today. We haven’t seen him on a Tuesday for a while.
It was a magnificent sight to see his ship under full sail in today’s ideal conditions.
Next Week’s Officer Of the Day is Brian and IOM Handicap Race No 8

IOM Summer Series 2 No 10. 21st November 2023

A very pleasant but chilly day at the lake saw thirteen attendees on the start line. The Northerly wind dictated the course was laid across the end of the point. This meant that we could sail a more favoured port hand (anticlockwise) course, which made a welcome change. OOD David L treated us to a larger than usual course that was sailed for two laps in each race. This was enabled by the strong and consistent wind, that meant everyone carried ‘B’ rigs for the day. With thirteen skippers we were unable to do the usual two rounds of observing in the time available. However, Garry and Edward, who were not sailing. Volunteered to step in after the thirteenth race and observe a few more races to complete the results card.

Racing was concluded at 2.45 and we were all packed up and away by 3.30.
Next Week’s Officer Of the Day is David W.
IOM Handicap Series No 7. 7 th November 2023
A good turn out of enthusiastic members for today’s handicap racing, which took place in pleasant
and ideal ‘A’ suit conditions. Again, the westerly wind dictated a less than ideal starboard (clockwise) course, but Garry our OOD made the most of the situation. Starboard courses always cause grief at the marks and today was no exception.
The breeze was reliable, so less frustrating than last week, but the weed did have some bearing on
a few races. We were pleased to welcome David Lyle back from his annual time in Spain, and having continued his sailing whilst away he had not become too rusty!
Chris Corrin returned for a second visit and it’s good to learn that he is becoming a member and
will be sailing with us regularly in the future. Chris has sailed IOMs in the past and it was obvious by his performance today that his long-lost skills were making a rapid comeback – evidenced by the results! His handicap rating will be upgraded sharpish, which will be a relief to Steve, John F and Edward.
It was notable that John F’s Alternative had acquired a considerable increase in speed this week
following some extra tweaking by Paul. Well done Paul – that’s what the club is about.
Unfortunately for Edward his rudder gremlins made an unwelcome return and spoilt his day. A
shame as his boat was really going well last week.
Other news.
Steve Hannon has taken delivery of his new British Racing Green Alioth from Paul. Intended to be a
winter build, but it’s suspected it might make an appearance sooner than later.
As Chris and David W did not do a second observer duty their average score has been added to
their result.
Next Week’s Officer Of the Day is Paul.
Full results downloadable here

IOM Summer Series 2 No 8. 31st October 2023
The light and variable SW ish wind and the floating weed made for very frustrating session at the lake today. The weed had an effect on many of the results, a shame as we thought we’d seen the last of it a fortnight ago.

Success or failure was very much a lottery, nevertheless the usual suspects were on or very near the podium! A very heavy storm complete with thunder and lightning approached so a timely lunch-break was taken.
Fortunately, everyone was safely ensconced in the club-room when the storm hit its peak. Once it had cleared, we enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon. However, the wind became much lighter, so the course was shortened and reduced to one lap for the final few races.
This enabled us to complete the day’s proceedings on schedule after a very taxing and tiring yet enjoyable day.

Next Week’s Officer Of the Day is Garry.
IOM Summer Series 2 No 7. 24th October 2023
A very light WSW made it difficult to lay a course because of the wind shadows caused by the upwind obstructions. JT, our light wind specialist was also OOD for the day. The most was made of the course considering the conditions, with an ideally angled start line that created some interesting but fair starts.

It was a day of varied fortunes, but consistency won the day! Well done to the top placed runners. Edward sailed his newly acquired yacht. Unfortunately, the rudder gremlins that he’s been suffering with the Rubix transferred themselves to the new boat causing him to retire during the morning session.
Garry continued familiarising himself with his new Alioth, improving its trim and performance!
We were pleased to have a visit from Barry, albeit a short one. The ‘Trueman’ banter was enjoyed while it lasted.

Next Week’s Officer Of the Day is Cliff.
IOM Summer Series 2 No 6. 17th October 2023
Again, the weather Gods treated us to a perfect mild and sunny sailing day, with an
exceptionally reliable and smooth breeze. It made a pleasant change not to have to
deal with shifty and fluky changes in direction.

We started off with ‘A’ suits, albeit at the top of their range.
With increasing wind speed being expected, a unanimous decision was taken to
change down to ‘B’ suits at the morning coffee break. This proved to be a good move, and racing continued to be enjoyed in a more comfortable manner.
OOD Roger laid a straight forward windward/leeward course to suit the conditions and
this worked well. All races were of two laps and a relaxed and easy going programme was completed by
3.00pm. We were pleased to welcome a visitor, Chris Corrin, who came to sail with us for the
first time with his Isis.
Chris was a little rusty at first, as he hadn’t sailed for six years since moving into the
area. However, he soon showed, as he improved during the day, that with a bit more ‘stick’
time he will soon be up amongst those at the front of the fleet!
Finally, it was really good to see Garry getting to grips with his new Alioth.
He has obviously got it very well trimmed from the outset and it was one of the fastest
boats on the water today!

Next Week’s Officer Of the Day is John T.
IOM Summer Series 2 No 5. 10th October 2023
Only seven of us turned out today but I think we were all expecting a beautiful day with a steady SW of around 10-15 knots.
Well at 1030 we were still in mist and what little wind that existed was all over the place.
There was weed off the point so for the morning we went with a figure of eight course on the North side. Not sure anyone knew where the wind was for more than a few seconds. Those winning the races seemed to have that skill but still needed large slices of luck!
The rudder gremlins attacked Edward so his day ended early leaving six.
We took an early lunch and moved the course to off the point/ south side where the wind looked more consistent. Not sure we got that right but at least the sun was out now and we continued with our fairly, relaxed racing day, some however were so relaxed they completely forgot about taking penalties until suitably reminded.

Tim dropped out early in the afternoon with a side stay fitting failure leaving just 5 to battle out the remaking races.
Finally, another note of caution for safety boat operations. Our new motor has already taken significant blade damage, likely caused by running the motor when the boat has been moored on or near the concrete boat slips. Please remember to raise the motor if you are near the shallows.
Couple of pics from the day show the close racing we enjoyed in today’s sun.

Next Week’s Officer Of the Day is Roger.